Diploma in
Land Survey
- Duration: 60 hours ( Theory + Practical’s)
- Fees: Rs 15,000/-
- Eligibility: SSC, Inter & Graduates.
Land Survey is the first step for starting any civil / construction work. It is the science of mapping and measuring land. The scope of Land Survey is very vast, it is first step for Agricultural land, roads, railroads, Airports, Buildings, skyscrapers etc.
INDO BRITISH ACADEMY is the oldest institute in Hyderabad city where land survey is continuously taught FROM 1977. Our thousands of students are doing jobs and independent work in India and abroad .
We teach from the basics.
Introduction to survey
Measuring the distances, angles, dimensions, and calculating the areas, volumes –units of conversion.

Survey of Agricultural Land, drawing and marking: Roads, plotting, developing of colonies, Farm houses, drainage system, water facility. Mark out for buildings etc. Finding the different levels, slopes for executing the works of - Roads, Bridges, dams, lakes, culverts, canals, mines, Railway tracks, drainage system, water supply, oil pipelines,
Preparing the survey drawing for presentation/ execution.
Plain Table survey. Chain Survey, Compass Survey, Contours, Levelling through Dumpy Level, Auto level, Theodolite etc;